
Little GuyI remember my mom giving me her handmade black felt board and colored felt shapes to play with when I was pre-k. So before I learned to write she was teaching me collage.

I considered myself an artist in grade school and knew that the academic subjects were not as important as the work I did in art class. My mom gave me her paints when she went into clay full time and she gave me a book by Paul Klee. He helped liberate me from the need to paint realism, finding the excitement of creating something I'd never seen before much more satisfying.

In high school I made small clay sculptures which I fired and glazed in my mom's studio and sold at school. I was given an assignment to paint a mural on a large hallway wall and at graduation my teachers gave me an outstanding achievement award in art.

1st showIn art school, I learned a watercolor and frisket technique that I used to make many unique designs over the next thirty-odd years. Along the way I learned ebru marbling which I also used in my collages.

Later on Infinity Lights entered my life and I learned computer graphics.

Early on I knew that my art was a reflection of my consciousness and that it affected the consciousness of viewers. I knew that the higher my state of being was, the more benefit I could be to others. So while I was perfecting my art techniques I decided to also try to perfect myself.

Mom and I at a showI’ve studied many spiritual traditions and found that my path is to take nothing for granted, knowing that everything is a gift from Great Spirit. The use of this body and mind, the tools to create and the will to create, are great blessings which I am extremely grateful for. From many teachings, my understanding is that we are infinitely small reflections of the Infinitely Great and can be a clear channel for the Universe to work through when we open our heart, quiet our mind and desire to serve the Whole.Artist and Art 1

The heart can experience the constant love of creation when the desire to love all creation without causing harm is foremost. As an artist I feel it’s my job to illustrate these Truths.

When I ask to be of service and get an inspiration, I see it as my next assignment.